World GK Questions and Answers: Test Your Knowledge of the World

Do you consider yourself a knowledgeable person? Do you know what the capital of Mongolia is or which river is the longest in the world? In this article, we will test your general knowledge about the world with a set of interesting questions and answers. Let's get started!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Geography

  . Countries and Capitals

  . Landmarks and Wonders

   . Rivers and Mountains

3. History

  . Ancient Civilizations

  . World Wars

  . Famous People

4. Culture

  . Art and Literature

  . Music and Film

  . Festivals and Traditions

5. Science and Technology

  . Inventions and Discoveries

  . Space Exploration

  . Environment and Ecology

6. Conclusion

7. FAQs


General knowledge is an essential part of our lives. It helps us understand the world around us, engage in meaningful conversations, and appreciate different cultures and traditions. In this article, we will cover a broad range of topics, including geography, history, culture, and science. Each section will contain multiple-choice questions and answers to help you test your knowledge and learn something new.



Countries and Capitals

1. What is the capital of Japan?

  a. Beijing

  b. Tokyo

  c. Seoul

  d. New Delhi

Answer: b. Tokyo


2. Which country is the smallest in the world by land area?

  a. Vatican City

  b. Monaco

  c. Nauru

  d. San Marino

Answer: a. Vatican City


3. What is the official language of Brazil?

  a. Portuguese

  b. Spanish

  c. French

  d. English

Answer: a. Portuguese


Landmarks and Wonders

1. Which of the following is not one of the Seven Wonders of the World?

  a. Great Wall of China

  b. Petra

  c. Colosseum

  d. Machu Picchu

Answer: a. Great Wall of China


2. What is the tallest waterfall in the world?

  a. Victoria Falls

  b. Angel Falls

  c. Niagara Falls

  d. Iguazu Falls

Answer: b. Angel Falls


3. In which country would you find the Great Barrier Reef?

  a. Australia

  b. Brazil

  c. South Africa

  d. Mexico

Answer: a. Australia


Rivers and Mountains

1. What is the longest river in the world?

  a. Amazon River

  b. Nile River

  c. Yangtze River

  d. Mississippi River

Answer: b. Nile River


2. Which mountain is the highest in the world?

  a. Mount Everest

  b. K2

  c. Mount Kilimanjaro

  d. Mount Denali

Answer: a. Mount Everest


3. Which sea is the largest in the world?

  a. Mediterranean Sea

  b. Red Sea

  c. Indian Ocean

  d. Pacific Ocean

  Answer: d. Pacific Ocean



Ancient Civilizations

1. Which civilization built the Great Pyramids of Giza?

  a. Roman Empire

  b. Mayan Civilization

  c. Ancient Egypt

  d. Inca Empire

Answer: c. Ancient Egypt


2. Who was the first emperor of the Roman Empire?

  a. Julius Caesar

  b. Augustus Caesar

  c. Caligula

  d. Nero

Answer: b. Augustus Caesar


3. Which civilization invented the wheel?

  a. Sumerians

  b. Aztecs

  c. Persians

  d. Vikings

Answer: a. Sumerians


World Wars

1. Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during World War II?

  a. Winston Churchill

  b. Neville Chamberlain

  c. Margaret Thatcher

  d. Tony Blair

Answer: a. Winston Churchill


2. Which country was the first to use atomic bombs in warfare?

  a. United States

  b. Germany

  c. Japan

  d. Soviet Union

Answer: a. United States


Famous People

1. Who painted the Mona Lisa?

  a. Michelangelo

  b. Leonardo da Vinci

  c. Vincent van Gogh

  d. Pablo Picasso

Answer: b. Leonardo da Vinci


2. Who is the author of the book "To Kill a Mockingbird"?

  a. Ernest Hemingway

  b. Harper Lee

  c. F. Scott Fitzgerald

  d. Jane Austen

Answer: b. Harper Lee


3. Which famous person said, "I have a dream"?

  a. Martin Luther King Jr.

  b. Nelson Mandela

  c. Mahatma Gandhi

  d. Barack Obama

Answer: a. Martin Luther King Jr.



Art and Literature

1. Who wrote the play "Hamlet"?

  a. William Shakespeare

  b. Samuel Beckett

  c. Oscar Wilde

  d. George Bernard Shaw

Answer: a. William Shakespeare


2. Which artist painted the "Starry Night"?

  a. Vincent van Gogh

  b. Pablo Picasso

  c. Salvador Dali

  d. Claude Monet

Answer: a. Vincent van Gogh


3. Who is the author of the book "1984"?

  a. George Orwell

  b. Aldous Huxley

  c. F. Scott Fitzgerald

  d. Jane Austen

Answer: a. George Orwell


Music and Film

1. Who is the lead vocalist of the band Queen?

  a. Freddie Mercury

  b. Mick Jagger

  c. David Bowie

  d. Elton John

Answer: a. Freddie Mercury


2. Which film won the Best Picture award at the 2020 Oscars?

  a. Parasite

  b. Joker

  c. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

  d. The Irishman

Answer: a. Parasite


3. Who directed the movie "The Godfather"?

  a. Martin Scorsese

  b. Francis Ford Coppola

  c. Steven Spielberg

  d. Quentin Tarantino

Answer: b. Francis Ford Coppola


Festivals and Traditions

1. Which country celebrates the Day of the Dead?

  a. United States

  b. Mexico

  c. Brazil

  d. Spain

Answer: b. Mexico


2. What is the name of the Chinese New Year animal for the year 2022?

  a. Dragon

  b. Ox

  c. Tiger

  d. Rabbit

Answer: b. Ox


3. Which country is known for the Oktoberfest beer festival?

  a. Germany

  b. United Kingdom

  c. France

  d. Spain

Answer: a. Germany


Science and Technology

Inventions and Discoveries

1. Who invented the telephone?

  a. Alexander Graham Bell

  b. Thomas Edison

  c. Nikola Tesla

  d. James Watt

Answer: a. Alexander Graham Bell


2. Who discovered penicillin?

  a. Alexander Fleming

  b. Louis Pasteur

  c. Marie Curie

  d. Charles Darwin

Answer: a. Alexander Fleming


3. Which scientist proposed the theory of relativity?

  a. Isaac Newton

  b. Albert Einstein

  c. Galileo Galilei

  d. Stephen Hawking

Answer: b. Albert Einstein


Space Exploration

1. Who was the first person to walk on the Moon?

  a. Neil Armstrong

  b. Buzz Aldrin

  c. Michael Collins

  d. Yuri Gagarin

Answer: a. Neil Armstrong


2. Which space agency launched the Hubble Space Telescope?

  a. NASA

  b. ESA

  c. Roscosmos

  d. JAXA

Answer: a. NASA


Health and Medicine

1. What is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19?

  a. Ebola virus

  b. Zika virus

  c. Influenza virus

  d. SARS-CoV-2

Answer: d. SARS-CoV-2


2. Which organ is affected by hepatitis?

  a. Liver

  b. Kidney

  c. Heart

  d. Lungs

Answer: a. Liver


3. What is the name of the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels?

  a. Insulin

  b. Glucagon

  c. Thyroxine

  d. Adrenaline

Answer: a. Insulin



In conclusion, world general knowledge is a vast topic that encompasses a wide range of subjects, including history, geography, science, art, and culture. By knowing the answers to these questions, we can expand our understanding of the world and gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human knowledge and achievements. Keep exploring and learning, and you will never run out of fascinating things to discover!



1. What is the best way to improve my general knowledge?

Answer: There are many ways to improve your general knowledge, such as reading books, watching documentaries, playing trivia games, and attending lectures or seminars.


2. How can I remember all these facts and figures?

Answer: You can use mnemonic devices, such as acronyms or associations, to help you remember information more easily. Repetition and practice are also effective memory techniques.


3. Why is general knowledge important?

Answer: General knowledge is important because it helps us understand the world around us, make informed decisions, and communicate effectively with others.


4. How can I test my general knowledge?

Answer: You can test your general knowledge by taking quizzes, playing trivia games, or participating in competitions.


5. Are there any online resources for improving general knowledge?

Answer: Yes, there are many online resources available, such as websites, apps, and social media pages, that offer interesting and informative content on a wide range of subjects.